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Faerie Queene Book One Essay Topics
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Ethics Handbook Essay
We picked you as a representative of Company X since we consider you to be a significant individual who can add to a similar need. As a colleague of Company X, are objectives are clear. Through open regard, responsiveness, and responsibility as our guiding principle, we can remain pioneers in the business. The accomplishment of our organization is reliant on you, our partners, and our clients. We invest wholeheartedly in our notoriety in the business and consistently screen ourselves for ways we can improve business for our customers, partners, policymakers, and the overall population, both neighborhood and national. Our dependability is estimated through our pledge to conveying administration with respectability and through good direct. Since we are at the cutting edge of open help, we are decided on our decisions and choices. Our notoriety depends on the public’s perspective on our duty to moral strategic approaches and our regard for society. As an association we mean to ke ep up dynamic commitment in moral conduct that advances social duty in ordinary practices. This is the place you come in as a representative. We urge all representatives to effectively take an interest in network effort and occasions that cultivate both your own development and the development of social qualities. Organization X will remunerate this movement whenever went with moral dynamic by expanding advancement openings or potentially permitting this experience to be included part of your set of working responsibilities. On the off chance that you are keen on this chance, see Human Resources for a rundown of affirmed network outreach openings. Organization X Values It is the approach of Company X to grasp moral conduct through away from of the laws, decides and desires that are characterized in this code of morals. Also, Company X esteems responsibility for good moral decisions and socially regarded conduct. We depend on each part to assess their own conduct and direct good business through strong consistently dynamic. Morals are not fixed, and subject to translation through every single association between everybody i ncluded. Since values and moral dynamic can be testing, Company X needs to take a portion of the weight off the complexities of settling on troublesome moral choices. Thusly, this manual gives orders used to assess and decipher best practices in the business condition. What's more, these arrangements and all guidelines including authoritative activities, apply to all staffâ members, temporary workers, and chips in and are carefully authorized (see segment Member Misconduct).The manual additionally contains fixed standards, obligatory preparing, assets for flawed circumstances, morals coach, mysterious hotline, and assets for circumstances that might be sketchy. A marked duplicate of this manual will be put in all member’s work force record and will be utilized as reference for sometime later. If it's not too much trouble be certain you comprehend these approaches and systems before you sign the archive. We start by laying out and characterizing the guidelines of social and moral lead. Notwithstanding measures of conduct, preparing is plot. Preparing is commanded to all staff utilized by Company X. Extra preparing and assets are offered dur ing the time in light of the changing needs of the business and social issues and will be reported semi-every year. Standards of Behavior and Conduct No part, temporary worker or individual going about as a delegate will: Discriminate against customers, associates, partners, Accept financial pay, benefits in exchange or advantage from any collaboration straightforwardly or in a roundabout way identified with the administrations gave by organization x if the worth is resolved to be at or above $30. Take part in, utilize or make an appearance of utilizing official ability to impact customers partners, or different individuals for individual or expert increase. Intentionally offer expressions or make a move that is untruthful or can be sensibly resolved to be untruthful. Connect either straightforwardly or in a roundabout way in political battles, nor participate in political discussion with anybody while acting in limit of Company X business. Fight back against any part who approaches with cases of moral infringement. Reprisal is obligatory end of work moving along without any more notice (see area Member Misconduct). All individuals temporary workers, or people going about as an agent will: Report all episodes of infringement to the Ethics Office. Interface and advance individual uprightness, trustworthiness, decency and trust in consistence with all laws, rules, arrangements and guidelines both inside and remotely. Keep up secrecy in all associations. Composed, verbal, email, telephone. Keep away from wrong relationship with customers or customer delegates. Connect with, effectively empower and bolster network inclusion through help and consolation in fold over assistance conveyance. Use proficient utilization of assets so that limits the effect on nature (vitality and materials). Report suspected, potential, or away from of moral unfortunate behavior. All individuals in the hierarchy of leadership are held to similar measures. Temporary workers, and any individual acting in an ability to formally speak to Company X are additionally required to do all activities with an expectation to advance open trust, honesty, and certainty. From colleagues to corporate pioneers, we anticipate a similar arrangement of standards through a set model of best practices. Best practices is perceived by asking yourself is this choice going to make hurt somebody, is this circumstance going to damage law or organization strategy, is my activity going to disregard partner esteems, or undermine my situation inside my activity job? Best practices will help all of us to evacuate a portion of the dangers we may look in ordinary dynamic by conveying set qualities, social obligation and moral guidelines for all individuals. Since best practices is emotional, preparing and assets will be accessible to give authority and coaching. We support open conversation whe n individual qualities and morals may create strife or turmoil. As a state of proceeded with business, compulsory morals preparing is given and observed (see checking morals segment beneath). Morals Training Leadership groups go to yearly morals preparing. Preparing incorporates aptitudes to screen and coach lower staff. Subsequently, individuals can be certain that administration can give direction and backing to most moral choices. So as to impart Company X’s approaches, values, and changing patterns in lawful and social moral issues formal preparing is required. Organization X models this by giving preparing. Therefore, all staff are required to finish the accompanying conventional preparing: In the primary month of work, all staff will experience educator drove preparing focused toward individual and gathering affirmation of legitimate circumstances, moral predicaments, social duty and detailing necessities. This intelligent preparing will introduce situations in which workers will settle on choices whether moral infringement might possibly have happened. Free coaches with nearby administration will assess answers and offer responses to troublesome situations. All staff will take a yearly teacher drove seminar on the historical backdrop of social equality and one follow up intelligent on line course which presents current social, business and moral issues in industry. Senior supervisors will get esteem based morals trainingâ tailored from yearly hazard evaluation information. The objective is for supervisors to set displayed conduct and make positive impact. Organization X supports a yearly Industry Standards Town Hall meeting. We esteem straightforwardness and friends contribution from us all and our goals are to give we all the chance to go over changing social issues, our past year’s victories and disappointments, and what would we be able to do to help the estimations of Company X, our customers, and network accomplices. Our organization will be shut on this day while every one of us appreciate a paid day to come and take part in this intuitive social gathering. Part Misconduct Company X perceives moral lead isn't in every case simple to characterize. We esteem reasonableness and endeavor to give unprejudiced judgment dependent on realities and information. All reports of infringement are investigated and decided by a free survey board who will at assurance of detailed infringement, decide outcomes and allude cases for criminal indictment if fundamental. Ramifications for infringement of moral offense will be carefully implemented. Organization X has zero resistance for dishonest conduct. Casual and formal offenses will be sent to the Ethics Committee for record keeping purposes. Casual insight for unfortunate behavior not identified with any demonstration of gross offense. This is the favored technique for first time offenses. Formal guidance is composed report put in part document for term of one year. Two composed reports inside one year that are seen as approved through examination will result either in unpaid suspension or quick end. Unpaid suspension. Net carelessness brings about prompt end and will be alluded for criminal indictment. Observing Auditing and Reporting Video checking in focal areas where client associations will be directed by a self employed entity. This is to secure you as a worker, ensure client collaborations, and ensure the enthusiasm of Company X. All PC and asset use by all workers is liable to checking and will be carefully upheld. IT chiefs have boundless access to organization claimed property. Because of the potential time touchy circumstances that may emerge, no notification will be offered before IT the executives getting to organization PCs. Colleagues staff records will be kept up and incorporate detailed infringement. These records will be investigated for patterns that can be followed back to divisions, pioneers, employing rehearses, or unacceptable preparing. T
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Events in U.S.A History in 1799 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Occasions in U.S.A History in 1799 - Research Paper Example Significant revisions to the American constitution occurred during his rule (Henriques 148). Generally, the American culture recorded extraordinary changes in its political history following the climb and demise of President George Washington. Numerous authentic realities in American culture created from commitment of eminent characters in the general public. Governmental issues and war are indistinguishable, as a rule, they would impact the out happen to occasions in the general public. The political framework embraced by the general public in a specific period would impact the result of occasions in the general public. For example, the mission for freedom by the American late president George Washington changed the political history of the country. Social way of life of individuals in the general public would change when various government officials climb to control. Social changes brought by a lawmaker in office would impact the lives of the individuals in the general public. This paper plans to investigate the impacts of death president George Washington in 1799. Numerous recorded distributions through books and articles give data with respect to many rumored political figures that got social or monetary changes the general public. Destruction of such political characters may lead the nation into flimsiness. The passing of President George Washington carried numerous progressions to the political and social frameworks in America. Demise of George Washington impacted the political arrangement of United States of America. In spite of the fact that he was thought to accomplish genially in a considerable lot of his strategies, a portion of the progressions induced by his replacements affected political condition of the nation decidedly. For example, Washington didn't care for development of numerous ideological groups and advanced government philosophy while he was a live (McMaster 326). His passing was a gift to the Militia Legion, which was against his govern ment arrangement of administration. The Militia Legion accepted that, the nearness of George Washington advanced government approaches. History records that the Militia Legion respected a factional legislative head of Pennsylvania, Thomas McKean (Koschnik 237). Volunteer army Legion acted in opposition to the desire for some individuals. The Republican wing followed national grieving content. Another remarkable occasion that occurred when George Washington kicked the bucket is joint grieving project that was driven by Republican local army organizations. His demise prompted the premature birth of bondage as he had begun in his will. The will showed the expectation of George Washington to abrogate bondage and advance equity among the American individuals. History specialist accepts that the passing of George Washington impacted the response of United States to Quasi War. The choice made by United States to participate in Quasi War was in opposition to the desires of President George Washington. George Washington impacted the nonpartisan position that American took in dealing with the issues European clashes (Grizzard 111). Note that the European clash had an effect on United States strategically and monetarily. The efficient ties between United States of America and the western nations depended on serene concurrence among the nations. This central point affected the choice of President George Washington. Political occasions, which occurred after his passing, regarded numerous political choices that he made while he was a live. For example, government administration framework didn't crumple. This prompted contradiction between the two warring group which later endangered the solidarity of United States of America. Solidarity of the country was extremely vital in light of the fact that it denoted the finish of domineering British system. Another significant zone that is important is job of solidarity in going of the rebellion demonstration.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Im Your Biggest Fan 9 Great Books about Being a Fan
Im Your Biggest Fan 9 Great Books about Being a Fan This post is sponsored by Searching for John Hughes by Jason Diamond For as long as Jason Diamond can remember, he’s been infatuated with John Hughes’ movies. From the antics in National Lampoon’s Vacation to the teenage angst in The Breakfast Club and Pretty in Pink to the insanely clever Home Alone, Jason could not get enough. And so the seed was planted in his mind that he should write a biography of his favorite filmmaker. It didn’t matter to Jason that he had no qualifications, training, platform, or direction. Thus went the years-long, delusional, earnest, and assiduous quest to reach his goal. What he did get was a coming-of-age story that fills the pages of this unconventional, hilarious memoir. Everyone is a fan of something, right? Whether its an actor, author, musician, television show, movie, sports team, book, or comic (or a million other things), we all have something (or several somethings) that make us squee with delight. And as long as you dont act like Annie Wilkes, its totally fine. Having healthy interests in things is perfectly normal. And here are nine books that feature people who are big fans of things that you may enjoy (especially if youre a big fan of books.) The Fangirls Guide to the Galaxy: A Handbook for Girl Geeks by Sam Maggs This is a fun guide for women trying to make their way in the male-dominated world of geekdom, with helpful tips on making nerdy friends, cosplay, attending a convention, internet trolls, and more. The Fangirl Life: A Guide to All the Feels and Learning How to Deal by Kathleen Smith This is a charming book for people with big love for fictional characters and the enormous communities around them, and how to put your passions to use in your offline life and make them part of your own story. Fangasm: Supernatural Fangirls by Katherine Larsen and Lynn S. Zubernis The television series Supernatural has been around now for over a decade and has some of the biggest fans in the business. This is a memoir about how their love for the show turned two self-described sensible women into huge fangirls, and also a look at what it means to be a fan, where the boundries are when youre a fan, and how loving the show changed their lives. Were Going to See the Beatles!: An Oral History of Beatlemania as Told by the Fans Who Were There by Garry Berman Perhaps some of the earliest displays of passionate fandom were the fans of the Beatles. Youve probably seen the clips of the audience members at a concert, screaming and crying (and sometimes fainting). Members of the band have said that playing a show was pretty ridiculous, because you couldnt hear yourself or your bandmates over the nonstop screaming. This is a look at those excited fans and what being a big fan means to them. Im Your Biggest Fan: Awkward Encounters and Assorted Misadventures in Celebrity Journalism by Kate Coyne Coyne, who has worked several jobs in the entertainment industry, gives the dirt on meeting with several well-known celebrities, weird encounters and advice from celebs, and the world of celebrity gossip. The Disappointment Artist: Essays by Jonathan Lethem While a collection of essays on varying topics, one has always stuck with me: about the time Lethem dropped out of college, hitchhiked to California, and became president of the Philip K. Dick fan club. That is some serious dedication. Which paid off the two eventually became friends. (Me, I would drop out of college to be president of the Jonathan Lethem fan club.) Gena/Finn by Hannah Moskowitz Kat Helgeson Told through emails, text messages, journal entries, and blog posts, this is the story of two young women who meet through their mutual love of a show, and come to rely on each others friendship IRL. A charming contemporary take on friendship in the 21st century. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell Cath and her twin sister, Wren, were big Simon Snow fans when they were young. But Cath never grew out of her love for the series, and spends her days obsessing over Simon Snow and writing popular fanfiction. But now the sisters are going to college, and Cath wont have Wren there to guide her through the real world, Can she make her way IRL? The Geeks Guide to Unrequited Love by Sarvenaz Tash Graham has been in love with his best friend Roxy since the day they met and she asked him what Hogwarts house hed be in. Eight years later, theyre still best friends, but Graham wishes it was more. When he finds a way to get them into the New York Comic Con to see their favorite comic artist, he thinks its his big chance to impress her. But Graham learns that people pretend to be someone else at a convention even Roxy. Will he have a chance to confess his love?
Sunday, May 24, 2020
I Like The Look Of Agony Essays - 1608 Words
I Like a Look of Agony In the poem â€Å"I like a look of Agony,†by Emily Dickinson, one of the ways the poem’s affects on the reader is improved is though the use of literary devices. People normally have trepidation of agony, but Dickinson uses literary devices such as imagery, personification, and connotation to reveal her contrasting enjoyment to the social norm. The opening line â€Å"I like a look of Agony,†(line 1) could be interpreted as sadistic and cold. Completely reading the poem allows the reader to understand what the first line actually means. Dickinson does not like a look of agony because she enjoys watching others suffer; she is fascinated by the expression of agony. The second line of the poem â€Å"Because I know it’s true-,††¦show more content†¦Once the eyes begin to glaze over, physical death could be pending and death of emotional control could also be setting in. Dickinson is interested in this death of control, so the reader is reminde d of Dickinson’s contrasting views on agony. Dickinson enjoys the fact that people cannot fake the reactions to anguish; therefore their reaction must be true. Because of her isolated lifestyle and the wonderment she had for things both natural and spiritual, she appreciated something that was a known truth. It’s intriguing to read such an unconventional view on watching others suffer. Another literary device utilized by Dickinson is personification. In the last two lines, â€Å"The Beads upon the Forehead/ By homely Anguish strung.†(line 7-8) anguish is personified as being able to string. When an author uses personification, human qualities are assigned to something non-human. Personification helps the readers understand anguish because they can easily visualize the act of stringing something. Dickinson utilizes this to create a vision that helps reinforce the fear that people tend to have toward pain and agony. Once Dickinson can connect the reader through personification, the reader gains greater insight and therefore a better understand of Dickinson’s fascination of the expression of agony. Both imagery and personification are made more effective as literary devices because of the connotation of the words Dickinson choose to use whenShow MoreRelatedI Like the Look of Agony1631 Words  | 7 PagesI Like a Look of Agony In the poem I like a look of Agony, by Emily Dickinson, one of the ways the poems affects on the reader is improved is though the use of literary devices. People normally have trepidation of agony, but Dickinson uses literary devices such as imagery, personification, and connotation to reveal her contrasting enjoyment to the social norm. The opening line I like a look of Agony, (line 1) could be interpreted as sadistic and cold. Completely reading the poem allows theRead MoreSalvador Dalis The Agony Of Love By Salvador Dali942 Words  | 4 PagesCrystal Sanderson Due July 14, 2017 Artist: Salvador Dali Title: The Agony of Love Created: 1978 Media used: Gouache, Watercolor, and Pencil on Board Dimensions: 65.5 by 49cm Art is a very important factor in all aspects of life. For many centuries art has been present in structures, cultures, religions, and even in the basic things we see in our daily routines. Art can come in a variety of ways, such as: paintings, drawings, symbols, sculptures, images, and much more. We all interpret and createRead MoreThe New Testament : Charles B. Hodge, Jr.1189 Words  | 5 PagesCharles B. Hodge, Jr., is a prolific writer and a minister of the Church of Christ. He closes each chapter of The Agony Glory of the Cross with â€Å"The Cross†¦there is no other way!†Thus, I have taken Reverend Hodge’s declaration for the title of this review. He further explains his thesis of the importance of the cross: â€Å"Jesus could not save Himself and still be our Savior. There is no way but the cross.†The unique approach to teaching the New Testament – and Christs’ journey to Calvary – requiresRead MoreMy Life - Original Writing 1125 Words  | 5 Pages I am awoken from my deep slumber as my roof is viciously ripped from its foundation. A bright light shines through blinding me as I am rattles and hared around like a rag,knocking into my friends and family. I hear them panicking as I m trying to get a glimpse of my surroundings. I caught sight of a round pot filled with what seems to be boiling water. I have only got seconds before i am dumped into the scalding hot water. â€Å"SPLASH†. I come up coughing and gasping for air,just to be pushed backRead MoreGuernica, By Pablo Picasso907 Words  | 4 Pages When you look at a cubist portrait, you see a face. But you can see that face form three angles. You see it straight on, you see the profile, and you see the back of the head. Picasso uses this technique in most of his paintings to express the entire meaning to the audience. In the painting Guernica, cubism is used to show all the sides of war. War is terrifying. It is bone chilling; causes pain and despair. There is nothing good about war. Every side, every angle is dark and unsettling. Pablo Picasso’sRead MoreMortailty and Eternity in Emily Dickinson Poems Essay1541 Words  | 7 Pagessoul, death of the mind. Why was she so intrigued with death? The poems that embody this theme are: â€Å"Success is counted sweetest†(#112), â€Å"Safe in the Alabaster Chambers†(#124), â€Å"I like a look of Agony†(#339), â€Å"I felt a funeral in my brain†(#340), â€Å"Because I could not stop for death†(#479), and â€Å"I heard a Fly buzz-when I d ied†(#591). These poems seem to suggest that she struggled with the concept of mortality and eternity. To understand Dickinson’s obsession about death one must consider herRead MoreAn Analysis Of Trumpet Player By Langston Hughes758 Words  | 4 Pages A considerable number of his written work shared the feelings of that time. This particular poem Trumpet Player mirrors that music can lift the agony remembered, but one always remembers the hardships. The poem shares that freed blacks still experienced the impacts of slavery. Because of this, they held onto music as a method for soothing the agony they persevered. Trumpet Player is composed in four eight-line stanzas and two six-line stanzas. The poem has no genuine arrangement of organizationRead MoreReflection : Agony 857 Words  | 4 Pages Pain , suffrage , agony †¦These are things that we as human beings experience at one point in our lives. The question is , how do we know when these soul-sucking emotions transpire? Let alone , how could we put a label on something that we have never familiarized ourselves with? Theres always the dictionary of course. You can look up a word, define it , and yet still not have the slightest clue as to what your supposed to be feeling in reference to those documented descriptions. Most peopleRead More Petrus Christus and Raphael from the Age of the Renaissance Essay920 Words  | 4 Pagessculpting, and creating a visual aspect of the Western European culture. Among many great artists of this period, two very important people to the artistic world and their works spun out -- Petrus Christus with The Lamentation and Raphael with The Agony in the Garden. The Lamentation was painted in 1450 and its one of Christus’ most beautiful works. It displays the strength of his work along with the simplicity of the design and the clarity of depiction in the painting. The painting was doneRead MoreEssay about Creative Writing - Belonging1278 Words  | 6 PagesCreative Writing I jump back as a black feline shoots across the path in-front of me. I catch a glimpse of its matted fur; a screeching hiss pierces the night air as it encounters a mammal in the undergrowth. They say a black cat at night is bad luck, but I honestly doubt my luck could get any worse in light of recent events. â€Å"Get out, you don’t belong here anymore†, â€Å"Just looking at you makes me sick. Leave now and get out of our lives†. It’s funny how the ones who are meant to love you the most
Thursday, May 14, 2020
What Is Phototropism
You placed your favorite plant on a sunny windowsill. Soon, you notice the plant bending toward the window instead of growing straight upward. What in the world is this plant doing and why is it doing this? What Is Phototropism? The phenomenon you are witnessing is called phototropism. For a hint on what this word means, note that the prefix photo means light, and the suffix tropism means turning. So, phototropism is when plants turn or bend toward light. Why Do Plants Experience Phototropism? Plants need light to stimulate the production of energy; this process is called photosynthesis. The light generated from the sun or from other sources is needed, along with water and carbon dioxide, to produce sugars for the plant to use as energy. Oxygen is also produced, and many life-forms require this for respiration. Phototropism is likely a survival mechanism adopted by plants so that they can get as much light as possible. When plant leaves open toward light, more photosynthesis can take place, allowing for more energy to be generated. How Did Early Scientists Explain Phototropism? Early opinions on the cause of phototropism varied among scientists. Theophrastus (371 B.C.-287 B.C.) believed that phototropism was caused by the removal of fluid from the illuminated side of the plants stem, and Francis Bacon (1561-1626) later postulated that phototropism was due to wilting. Robert Sharrock (1630-1684) believed plants curved in response to fresh air, and John Ray (1628-1705) thought plants leaned toward the cooler temperatures nearer to the window. It was up to Charles Darwin (1809-1882) to conduct the first relevant experiments regarding phototropism. He hypothesized that a substance produced in the tip induced the curvature of the plant. Using test plants, Darwin experimented by covering the tips of some plants and leaving others uncovered. The plants with covered tips did not bend toward light. When he covered a lower part of the plant stems but left the tips exposed to the light, those plants moved toward the light. Darwin did not know what the substance produced in the tip was or how it caused the plant stem to bend. However, Nikolai Cholodny and Frits Went found in 1926 that when high levels of this substance moved to the shaded side of a plant stem, that stem would bend and curve so that the tip would move toward the light. The exact chemical composition of the substance, found to be the first identified plant hormone, was not elucidated until Kenneth Thimann (1904-1977) isolated and identified it as indole-3-acetic acid, or auxin. How Does Phototropism Work? The current thought on the mechanism behind phototropism is as follows. Light, at a wavelength of around 450 nanometers (blue/violet light), illuminates a plant. A protein called a photoreceptor catches the light, reacts to it and triggers a response. The group of blue-light photoreceptor proteins responsible for phototrophism are called phototropins. It is not clear exactly how phototropins signal the movement of auxin, but it is known that auxin moves to the darker, shaded side of the stem in response to the light exposure. Auxin stimulates the release of hydrogen ions in the cells in the shaded side of the stem, which cause the pH of the cells to decrease. The decrease in pH activates enzymes (called expansins), which cause the cells to swell and lead the stem to bend toward the light. Fun Facts About Phototropism If you have a plant experiencing phototropism in a window, try turning the plant in the opposite direction, so that the plant is bending away from the light. It takes only about eight hours for the plant to turn back toward the light.Some plants grow away from light, a phenomenon called negative phototropism. (Actually, plant roots experience this; roots certainly dont grow toward light. Another word for what they are experiencing is gravitropism---bending toward a gravitational pull.)Photonasty might sound like a picture of something yucky, but it is not. It is similar to phototropism in that it involves the movement of a plant due to light stimulus, but in photonasty, the movement is not toward the light stimulus, but in a predetermined direction. The movement is determined by the plant itself, not by the light. An example of photonasty is the opening and closing of leaves or flowers, due to the presence or absence of light.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Death Penalty Should Be Abolished - 1984 Words
We often say, â€Å"We are only human, we make mistakes,†as a common phrase. We, as humans, are known to make mistakes. However, in the case of the death penalty, making an error can prove to be lethal. The death penalty imposes an irreversible deed on a human being. Once a person’s life is taken away, there is no way to give it back. The main reason people have different views is because of cultural, political, social, and ethical reasons. Murder is wrong. Since childhood, we have been taught this truth. It has been implanted in our brains that taking the life of another is wrong. Is that not the definition of murder? It is inhumane for us to tolerate the killing of another person. Violence cannot be the solution to crime. The death penalty should be abolished on the grounds that it does not prove to be an effective deterrent, it carries the risk of taking the life of an innocent soul, and there are flaws in the judicial system that lead to trials being unfair. The death penalty has been a contentious topic in America. Attempts to abolish the death penalty date back to the colonial era. In the late 18th century, some states had removed the death penalty for every crime except murder; in the 1800’s some states used the death penalty for treason, rape, and insubordination in the south before the Civil War (Jost â€Å"Death Penalty Debates†974). The abolitionist movement in the 19th century was the most influential; opponents of the death penalty during the progressive era wouldShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1192 Words  | 5 PagesNo Death Penalty Capital crime is something that is meant for people that are found guilty of committing a serious crime, such as murder, rape, or theft. These are offences that should not be taken lightly but by killing the offender, the government is carrying about the action that they are trying to prevent. Also, the wrong person may be sentenced to death. After this person is executed, there is obviously nothing that can be done for the terrible mistake to be reversed. The death penalty shouldRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?. The Death Penalty982 Words  | 4 PagesShould the death penalty be abolished? The death penalty is a â€Å"term that applies to capital punishment and is the worst penalty given for committing a murder or an atrocious assault.†(Black s Law Dictionary). Death penalty has been a part of human society and is legally approved for centuries. The first established death penalty laws date as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon, which codified the death penalty for 25 different crimes. Death sentencesRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1925 Words  | 8 Pages Abstract This paper explores five published articles that report on discussion on the very old and yet to answer question of whether the death penalty in the USA should be abolished? The articles, however, vary in their stand on death penalty. In all article it is very different on publisher stand. They discuss thing argument with their own way and vision of thinking. Adina Nicoleta (2011) has raised question for fair trial on the proceeding of the criminal cases. In other article Maestro MarcelloRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1534 Words  | 7 PagesIntro The death penalty gives humans in our legal system rights to decide who deserves to live, a power only God should possess. Capital Punishment takes away our rights as equals. From its origins, the death penalty has been an inhumane, costly, ineffective, and biased form of punishment that needs to be abolished granting everyone their right to live. History of the Death Penalty Down through history, the death penalty has been adapted to be justifiable in the eyes of the people. By alteringRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1523 Words  | 7 Pagescriminals has been performed by nearly every society to date. The death penalty came to the Americas when European settlers brought the idea of capitol punishment from Britain. The ideology behind taking someone’s life for crimes they have committed is a simple one. If a person commits a hennas crime such as murder or rape, they shall receive the death penalty. In more recent times we now see many countries abolishing the death penalty. The trend suggests that the capitol punishment policies still implementedRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1306 Words  | 6 Pageschanged since the 17th century, so why not the age old penalty of death? Capital punishment in the United States is a highly debated topic. Arguments that want to get rid of this method of punishment usually mention th e many problems that capital punishment is plagued with. The death penalty has many issues that cannot be resolved, and since these issues can’t be solved, the death penalty should be abolished. â€Å"The irrevocable nature of the death penalty renders it an unsustainable and indefensible remedyRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished1440 Words  | 6 PagesThe death penalty is a very controversial topic in the United States. It is implemented for the purpose of providing safety to the community and bringing justice to victims and their families. The death penalty is legal in thirty-one states (â€Å"31 States†), and there are over forty different types of federal capital crimes that are eligible for the death penalty. These include crimes such as treason and kidnapping that results in murder (â€Å"41 Federal†). However, many argue whether the death penalty isRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Abolished968 Words  | 4 PagesEvery year, thousands of lives are legally taken under the death penalty. Why should we take more lives than the ones that have already been taken? The death penalty is the punishment of execution, carried out legally against an individual convicted of a capital crime. Its proponents argue that the death penalty deters other criminals who may intend to commit similar crimes in the future. However, there is little statistical evidence to support this claim. Also, execution eliminates the criminalRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1350 Words  | 6 PagesShould the death penalty be abolished? The death penalty, also known as capital punishment is a legal procedure in which a state executes a person for crimes he/she has committed. This punishment has been used by many states, and is normally used for serious crimes, especially murder. It is also used on crimes against the state such as treason, crimes against humanity, espionage, and violent crimes while other states use it as part of military justice. There are mixed reactions on capital punishmentRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1443 Words  | 6 Pages 6 Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished in the United States? Adalynne Francis CRJU 1000 Dr. Huss November 14, 14 Should capital punishment/ death penalty be abolished in the United States? Many feel that the death penalty is immoral and question whether the state and federal government deserve the right to kill those whom it has imprisoned. On the other hand, those opposed feel that by not acting upon the death penalty communities would plunge in anarchy and that by
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Researcher With The Example Of A Case Study-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Researcher With The Example Of A Case Study? Answer: Introduction Main emphasis of this article is on the performance of Premier Investments Ltd in the areas of business sustainability and ethical sourcing. This company has a strong background of financial strength. It was listed in the ASX since 15th December, 1987. The company was involved in the business of retail market with import and distribution business with the objective of maximizing growth in capital returns to the stakeholders. The company has the aspiration to take advantage of its professional expertise with strong financial liquidity in the segment of retailing and wholesale business. Presently the company has whole ownership of retail giant Just Group with 25.7% of share in electrical consumer manufacturer Breville Group. The company practices strong corporate governance and the annual report of the company highlights this. Our subjects of discussions are also covered in that annual report which will research with the aim to highlight three objectives of each area with probable meas ures to accomplish those objectives(Premierinvestments, 2016). Business Sustainability Regarding business sustainability of Premier Investments Ltd, the company had declared its stand in the latest Annual Report of 2016. In the report, the main areas of emphasis are People, Community and Environment. The company is committed to a projected objective of long term tenure to deliver sustainable value by the efforts of the management by using the relationship and the resources possessed by the company. In fact, this set objective can guide the company regarding their future behavior towards their stakeholders with the impacts of their activities(Premierinvestments, 2015). People People here depict the internal stakeholders of the organization in the form of employees. The company ahs clear directive towards their human resource management with high level efficiency and professional attitude. Main directives of this objective are attraction and retention of right people, remunerate and award them for their accomplishment, develop them as per their expertise and provide them with workplace safety. The company has huge human resource strength of 7000+ and out of them 90% is female(Ibisworld, 2016). Community The company has long tradition of philanthropic support towards the environment with their different brands. Out of them, Peter Alexander and SMIGGLE brands are famous for their value added contribution to the environment. Peter Alexander is working with RSPCA and raised funds over AUD 48,000 towards RSPCA shelters which use to take care of more than 140,000 animals per year on the ground of rescue operation, rehabilitation process and provision of home to the injured, stray or unwanted animals. As a result, this brand is awarded with the acknowledgment of RSPCA Ambassador of these efforts(CapitalCube, 2017). SMIGGIE brand is also engaged in supporting good number of charities for children on the ground of education. Additionally this brand is instrumental in fund raising process from local as well as overseas sources for sporting events, schools and different events on education. The company had donated for this purpose during the year for over $ 100,000 through own products. Environment As a sensible stakeholder for the maintenance of environment, the company is engaged in different areas which can ensure environment will have no or less harm from the efforts of the company. The company is engaged in packaging stewardship with the effort to optimize packaging to mitigate environmental effects, to increase the recycling process of packaging materials, commitment to ensure stewardship of product and implementation and following of Sustainable Packaging Guideline as per the international standard. For waste and recycling, the company has extensive program in their stores, Support and Distribution Centers. For effective recycling process, the company has strategic alliance with Orora, who are reckoned as the stalwart of Australian packaging to ensure effective recycling procedures. To ensure energy efficiency, the company is engaged in converting their stores to efficient energy system by installing LED lights(Premierinvestments, 2016). Ethical Sourcing To ensure ethical sourcing of raw materials and the workmanship of the products of the company, the company has very transparent and prudent practice through which the external stakeholders can be able to know the basic factors of the products sold from the stores of the company. To ensure ethical sourcing, the company follows the sourcing models direct from factories of the strategic alliance stakeholders and through LI and Fung, who are considered as the biggest global souring company for major retail brands of the company globally acclaimed(Premierinvestments, 2016). Additionally the company has the present practice of sourcing from Asian Countries like India, China, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and many more. To ensure ethical sourcing the company adheres to the following guidelines: Compliance of legislation of the respective countries Insistence on legal rights of the workers including empowerment of worker and free association Zero tolerance policy for animal cruelty. The Table Dimension Objective Possible Performance Measures Business Sustainability 1. People 1. Attraction and Retention 2. Development and recognition 2. Community 1. Philanthropic Support to animal 2. social support to children 3. Environment 1.Packaging Stewardship 2. Energy efficiency Ethical Sourcing 1.Sourcing Models, policies and principles 1.Sourcing Principles 2. Compliance of legislation of the sourcing countries 2.Ethical Procurement of Raw Materials 1.No sourcing of raw materials originated from animal like rabbit angora 2. no use of raw materials which are ethically not permitted 3. Development of economic condition of the sourcing countries 1. workers safety 2. Ensuring minimum wages as per prevailing standard of the country Conclusion Above discussion would highlight the performance of Premier Investments Ltd in regard to their efforts towards ensuring business sustainability and ethical sourcing. With the transparent practice, the company is governed with specific objective and possible performance measure to assess their success in the said domains. References: CapitalCube. (2017, June 20). Premier Investments Ltd. Value Analysis (ASX:PMV). Retrieved September 13, 2017, from Capitalcube: https://www.capitalcube.com/index.php/premier-investments-ltd-value-analysis-asxpmv-june-20-2017/ Ibisworld. (2016, July 30). Premier Investments Limited - Premium Company Report Australia. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from Ibisworld: https://ibisworld.com.au/australian-company-research-reports/retail-trade/premier-investments-limited-company.html Premierinvestments. (2016, October). Annual Report 2016. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from Premierinvestments: https://www.premierinvestments.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/PMV-2016-Annual-Report.pdf Premierinvestments. (2016, October). Commitment to Ethical Sourcing. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from Premierinvestments: https://www.premierinvestments.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/PMV-Ethical-Sourcing-Statement-Jul16.pdf Premierinvestments. (2016). Company profile. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from Premierinvestments: https://www.premierinvestments.com.au/about-us/ Premierinvestments. (2015, March 23). Premier Investments Ltd. Retrieved September 13, 2017, from Premierinvestments: https://www.premierinvestments.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/1H15-ASX-Investor-Presentat
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